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Serra gelada

LUCíA seguí conesa

fran airasca altónaga


The integration and adaption of the mobile telephone and drones in the curriculum subject of Natural Science. Erasmus+ 2017-ES01-KA219-037967


The Serra Gelada and coastal environment nature reserve is one of the most exceptional reserves in the Valencian Community, through being the first land-sea nature reserve in this region. It has a total protected surface area of 5,564 ha. (4,920 ha. of this is in the marine medium) and its waters contain some of the most interesting and surprising underwater areas in the whole Spanish Mediterranean, special mention being deserved by the widespread meadows of the protected sea phanerogam known locally as Alguers (Posidonia oceanica) and rocky seabeds such as those of La Llosa, with particular biological diversity.



The geological history of Serra Gelan began about 150 million years ago and
Since then it is prolonged to the present day. In their formation there are four moments

Sedimentation: About 150 million years ago (the age of the oldest rocks in the
Saw in the itinerary by boat) began to deposit sediments (Sands and Calcareous sludges) that formed horizontal layers at the bottom of the little part deep of a sea today vanished, the sea of Tethys. On the terrestrial itinerary they will be able to observe somewhat younger rocks whose age is between 110 and 100 million years.


Folding: Approximately 70 million years ago Africa began to move northward and at a given moment began to collide with Eurasia, of which Iberia it constituted its southwestern end. This plate crash provoked the folding and fracturing of the rocks giving rise to several mountain ranges (Alps, Pyrenees, Cordillera Bética,.... In Serra Gela this plate crash provoked during the Miocene (approximately between 18 million years ago) the folding of its rocks (therefore
We do not see them horizontal, as they were deposited, but inclined approximately 25th to the northwest. This folding also provoked the emersion of these rocks forming a much greater relief than the current in the sector of Serra Gela...


Environmental impacts

There are many threats to the marine ecosystem of the natural park, some of these are:


  • Illegal trawling.

  • Illegal Dragados.

  • Discharges (dirty water, diffuse contamination by fertilizers, chemical plants, thermal ...)

  • Aquaculture.

  • Coastal constructions.

  • Invasive algae.

  • Free free anchoring.

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