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  • In the shelter of the quarry (cave of the neighborhood quarter or frozen cave)  The remains of older human settlements of the mountains and the region have been found. What tests do scientists have? What period are the remains?​



Until now it was believed that the shelter of the quarry was an age of 6,000 years, but the last scientific works could trace that date until the 15,000 years, that is, the period Magadaleniense, one of the Last stages of the Upper Palaeolithic.
It was a population that lived before the age of the Metal, which used the Flint as main instrument for the survival and which also suffered the rigors of the end of the last glaciation of the planet and thus of a radical climatic change:  "The Helmets Polars came to the North Sea, the tundra covered large areas of Central Europe, temperatures were much lower than the current and the sea was also at a lower level than the current  "explained the archaeologist Javier Fernandez, who has coordinated the excavations.


Flint remains have also been found, used to "make very fine cuts of delicacies of the time such as the bone marrow". However, the Councilor for Heritage revealed that "the pearl of the excavation may be a small seashell that served as an ornament for women" and that it would show that during that era "there was already an aesthetic concern". That shell was accompanied by a manual work, as it appears filed on its back and has perforations. Other adornments of the time have also been found with similar purpose.





  • How do you say the traditional technique used to make curbs? What advantages do you have?​


Dry stone masonry refers to a constructive technique of origin traditional and popular that is done by using stones of the environment but without no type of mortar or pestle that one, simply because of its correct disposition, to the maximum contact between parts and to the gravity itself.​



























  • What is the relationship between the island of Benidorm and the legend of Roldán? What scientific proof would you use to prove that it is not true?


One of the best known legends of the region is based on the Puig Campana: the legend
from Roland's pit. Roland was one of the commanders of the French Emperor Charlemagne. The
legend has it that he came to our lands and fell in love with a maiden. It began like this
a love story that was cut short when a spell predicted that the girl would die the moment the last ray of sunshine touched his skin. Roland, desperate, climbed into the Puig Campana, he drew his sword and split a piece of the mountain to prolong the life of his beloved. When the sun disappeared behind Puig Campana, the girl died and Roland, mad with pain, took the piece o f rock he had cut and threw it into the sea, giving rise to the island of Benidorm.



On the other hand we have the scientific explanation



The islet of Benidorm has the same structural disposition and the same old rocks Cretaceous the Serra Gela, while the rocks of the Puig Campana are different and formed during the Jurassic. The formation of the cliffs of Serra Gela has played a fundamental role in the fault movement. A fault is a fracture that affects a rocky massif and causes the relative glide of the two blocks separating. Both the marine façade, corresponding to the main cliff, like the minor side cliffs which delimit the Sierra by the north and the south, they owe their origin to the combined action of the failures and the erosion Marina.





  • What ancestral mining activity has been in the mountains? What relation does this mineral have with the cave paintings?


The constructions you see in this ravine are the remains of a red ochre mine. This modest exploitation received the name of Mina Virgin del Carmen and it worked since mid from the nineteenth to the early twentieth century. At the end of the nineteenth century the mine was directed by the Soler-Devesa, a Alfasina family whose nickname today is the mine. The foreman was Miguel Soler Devesa who, in 1888, emigrated to Algeria leaving his wife, Esperanza, in front of the workers.
























  • ​When was the Albir lighthouse built? What is your utility?



The Albir lighthouse was built in 1863, but the tunnel and the current lighthouse were build in 1961.


​The road was bordering the sea until, in the cove of the mine, climbed a steep ravine. From there, it followed a path almost parallel to the current road until reaching the lighthouse.



  • What was the purpose of the Bombarda Tower and the tower of the Caletes. What differentiates pirates from corsairs?


The coves of the Serra Gelan and the islands of Benidorm and L'Olla were habitual refuges of pirates and Corsairs between the 16th and 17th centuries. To sight the enemy ships were built watchtowers like the one you see next to the lighthouse. It is located at a strategic point where, before building the tower, they were already betting soldiers to guard the coast. The Bombarda Tower receives its name from a piece of artillery, the Bombarda. is a weapon of Cannon-like fire, but of reduced dimensions.


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