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  • Serra  Gelada

The Serra Gelada since 2005 is considered a natural park its official name Natural Park of the Serra Gelada and its coastal environment. All its extension embraces 5564 hactereas of which 4920 are marine and all this land occupies part of the municipalities of Benidorm, Altea and L'Alfás del Pi. Among these municipalities there is a small mountain range that makes dividing line, also the natural park has several islands, L'illa de Benidorm and L'lla mitjana forming part of Benidorm and L'illa de l'Olla and La Galera of Altea.

  • aBOUT US

       We are a company in favor of the restoration and preservation of the environment that has been working around the world for years trying to ensure that all areas of environmental importance are not affected by the actions of man.

      We have already worked in different countries and in other natural parks achieving important results. In this case the municipalities of Aleta, Albir and Benidorm have asked us to talk about the natural park of the serra gelada which is of great importance because it houses a large number of marine and terrestrial species of fauna and flora.

  • achievements

Some of our greatest achievements have been for example:

National Park of the lakes Plitvice (CROATIA)

During one season a high content of heavy metals began to register in the waters of the lakes the problem therewas that nobody really knew why it was happening. There is when we meddled and discovered that a construction company was using the lakes as landfills. Through complaints and trying to warn people of the proximity of the risk involved, we got the company to pay a fine and the lakes returned to normal.

Natural Park of Banff (AUSTRALIA)

In this case, the government of Alberta asked us to study the risks of bringing a new species to the ecosystem of the natural pack. They needed a predator for a bird species that due to climate changes migrated to the north and now they were affecting the trophic chains. After a few months studying the risks of causing such a sudden change in the park, we approved the decision. In the end the new species of bird acted as a limiting factor and there was no unevenness

  • How we work

Depending on the case, we will treat the problem in different ways. If you need to warn people of a risk and / or make them aware of the consequences of their actions, we intend to spread information in all the areas of your life. And this is what we are doing with the Serra Gelada, we want to show the importance of this park that passes unnoticed

  • What we want

We want to show the importance of this natural park, Serra Gelada and how it affects the environment of the coastal and terrestrial zone of the region. We will try to talk about all its aspects by answering several questions about the sectors that touch on this topic.

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